November 25, 2024

Digital Vortex


Credit: Digital Vortex


In this book, you will learn how to use the business models and strategies of startups to your own advantage. Instead of waiting to be disrupted, you can maximize the value of your existing businesses and move into profitable new ones. Most importantly, you will learn how to build the agility to anticipate threats, sense opportunities, and seize them before your rivals do.In today's world there are two paths: navigating to a new digital future, or being engulfed by exponential competitive change. With recommendations backed by research with thousands of senior executives from market leaders and startups alike, this book gives you a compass to chart your own course--to compete with disruptors and win. Credit: Digital Vortex; Michael Wade.

November 11, 2024

Patrimony By Philip Roth

Credit: Patrimony, Philip Roth

Patrimony, a true story, touches the emotions as strongly as anything Philip Roth has ever written. Roth watches as his eighty-six-year-old father—famous for his vigor, charm, and his repertoire of Newark recollections—fights the brain tumor that will kill him. The son, full of love, anxiety, and dread, accompanies his father through each fearful stage of his final ordeal, and, as he does so, discloses the survivalist tenacity that has distinguished his father's long, stubborn engagement with life. Credit: Patrimony, Yiddish Book Center.

November 05, 2024

Don't Believe Everything You Think


Credit: Joseph Nguyen


No matter what has happened to you, where you are from, or what you have done, you can still find total peace, unconditional love, complete fulfillment, and an abundance of joy in your life. No person is an exception to this. Darkness only exists because of the light, which means even in our darkest hour, light must exist. Don't Believe Everything You Think is not about rewiring your brain, rewriting your past, or positive thinking. We cannot solve our problems with the same level of consciousness that created them. Tactics are temporary. An expansion of consciousness is permanent. Credit: Simon & Schuster; Joseph Nguyen.

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  Image Credit: Archie Comics | Photographer, Sasha L. | Travel Tales Calling All Book Nerds! 😉 Above is a snapshot from my travel tales a...

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