November 24, 2021

FirstHive on Marketing Education & Big Data

CEO Aditya Bhamidipaty of FirstHive joins Sasha on Moving Mountains.

Credit: Moving Mountains with Sasha

Aditya Bhamidipaty, Founder and CEO of FirstHive, joins Sasha on Moving Mountains.  ​His stewardship of FirstHive has empowered it to be among the first to incorporate machine learning into customer data profiling. Founded in 2016, FirstHive has customer deployments in some of the leading BFSI, FMCG, and manufacturing enterprises across the US and the Indo-Pacific region. 

Credit: FirstHive

FirstHive is a Customer Data Platform that builds Unique Customer Identities by aggregating data from across all sources of customer interactions and customer transactions. (viz. ERP, CRM, Website, Social, PoS, mobile app, customer care, etc.) It integrates with all the customer touchpoints deployed by a brand to pull in data to a single interface and build rich customer profiles which can be grouped into relevant, intelligent cohorts. FirstHive also supports creation and execution of customer engagement campaigns across email, SMS, Voice, browser, website, mobile applications, and social channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Its advanced customer journey orchestration capabilities enable a marketer to use behavioural triggers from a particular channel to initiate an action in another channel. All this while providing complete visibility through comprehensive dashboards and analytics, and ability to steer the campaigns, in real-time. Credit: F6S

Below are a few sample White Papers shared by FirstHive that educate and provide clarity to businesses, entrepreneurs and appropriate end users from marketing & data to IT teams.  Learn more about big data, customer data platform, social media management and more here.
  • Building Customer Loyalty or Focusing On Engagement
  • Artificial Intelligence in Customer Data Platforms
  • Why you need a Marketing Automation platform along with your CRM

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